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Friday, September 14th, 2018


One Cowboy's Stand For Freedom

A film produced by The Center For Self-Governance

A bio-documentary on the life and death of LaVoy Finicum – the Arizona rancher killed in Oregon on January 26, 2016. 

Created by The Center for Self Governance


​ This Story Is Not About Cows!  

This story is about what LaVoy was willing to die for.

​Lavoy Finicum, an Arizona rancher and property-rights activist was killed by federal agents in Oregon on January 16, 2016. This movie is about what has been called The Oregon Standoff and what Lavoy was willing to die for.​

lavoy rip.jpg

Seating is LIMITED! 


Please RSVP Below to ensure you have a seat.


The first 60 to register will receive free copy  of

“Federal Land Grab-The Great, Illegal Federal Land Grab”

A video presentation by Pastor David Whitney, Institution on the Constitution.

discussing the history and outlining the unconstitutional actions of the Federal government

 use of various “Enabling Acts” for the admission of new states…(must be present to collect)



LaVoy: Dead Man Talking

Friday, September 14th, 2018

Foothills Event Center

400 Idaho Maryland Rd

Grass Valley


Special Guest:

Jeanette Finicum, Widow of LaVoy

Mark Herr, Film Producer


It Matters How You Stand​

On April 12, 2014 a group of cowboys and non-cowboys, a few armed and the vast majority not, at the behest of a ranching family—the Bundys—came face-to-face with heavily armed federal agents on a patch of desolate dried up river wash in Bunkerville, Nevada. 


Surprisingly and profoundly life, liberty, and property were preserved that day. No one died, no one went to prison, and the Bundy's cows  were returned. One of the cowboys there that day was LaVoy Finicum. Little did he or anyone else know that his standing with the Bundys (2014) was the beginning and his going to Oregon (2016) would be the ending of a profound life's journey.


So what changed in LaVoy’s life, why did he go to the 2014 Bundy Standoff? Why did he go to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in 2016, and why, on his way to a public meeting in the city of John Day, was he shot and killed by Federal Agents? In trying to answer these questions The Center for Self Governance reviewed his personal footage, interviewed his family and those associated with him in Oregon to discover the motivations, frustrations, and resolve that prompted his fateful decisions.


You will be shocked by his own words and actions when compared to the picture painted by the media and cemented into the collective memory of the American mind.


This film gives LaVoy Finicum the opportunity he never got—to tell, in his own words, how he came to his final decision that ended his life in 2016.


The Final Verdict

Everyone who was there with LaVoy on that fateful day, was acquitted in an Oregon Federal Court.

This film gives the dead man his day in court,

and you are the jury—

hearing his side for the first time. 


This presentation showcases the epic battle for control between the Bundy & Finicum family and Local, State, and Federal Government.  This Cowboy's story will stir within the soul of each viewer a need to embark on the challenging endeavor to discover the delicate line that separates preserving and losing life, liberty, and property.




Shawna Cox cell phone video from inside LaVoy Finicum's truck.   It was shown at a Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office press conference March 8, 2016 in Bend, Ore.

Nevada County Tea Party is a non-profit organization financed by the community

it serves. We appreciate every gift and endevor to put it to work educating,

engaging, and supporting the concepts upon which the Tea Party was founded.  


Our mission since 2009 has been to ensure future generations:


   *Free Markets

   *Fiscal Responsibility

   *Constitutionally Limited Government

   *Individual Liberty


 Your donation of even $2.00 per month makes a difference in advancing Liberty.

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Nevada County Tea Party Patriots

P. O. Box 3257

Grass Valley, CA 95945

(530) 270-9004


© 2015-2024 by Nevada County Tea Party 

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