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 With each election we need to be mindful that it is just one of many events that determines the state of Liberty in America. "We the People" need to remain ever vigiliant if we want America to be "the land of the free and the home of the brave".  We must continually hold our elected officials, new and old, accountable to the Constitutional oath they have taken.  


We must be educated on our U. S. Constitution and the foundational values our Founding Fathers held that are behind it.  We must hold our school boards accountable for the education they allow to take place in our schools.  We must work NOW to encourage individuals to take seats on commissions and special districts and to then to run for office in two years and in four years. That when appointed or elected, they hold to the Constitution and protect and defend the people of this country and the true laws of the land.  We must encourage our religious leaders to speak out on the Godly foundation of our Constitution.  We must begin today working for tomorrow AND in California we have a lot of work to do.


Let's remember Ronald Reagan’s quote about freedom:


“We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”




Learn all you can about our U. S. Constitution.


Be an informed voter - educate yourself on each candidate,

so you can make the best choice possible for your family and your community.


Let's begin today working for a better tomorrow!


Nevada County Tea Party is a non-profit organization financed by the community

it serves. We appreciate every gift and endevor to put it to work educating,

engaging, and supporting the concepts upon which the Tea Party was founded.  


Our mission since 2009 has been to ensure future generations:


   *Free Markets

   *Fiscal Responsibility

   *Constitutionally Limited Government

   *Individual Liberty


 Your donation of even $2.00 per month makes a difference in advancing Liberty.

Donations can be made by check, PayPal, or at any NCTP event!  Donations are

not tax deductible.


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Nevada County Tea Party Patriots

P. O. Box 3257

Grass Valley, CA 95945

(530) 270-9004


© 2015-2024 by Nevada County Tea Party 

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